Frequently Asked Questions
How Seriously Do I Need to Take a Reckless Driving Ticket in Virginia? Very!A Reckless Driving charge in the Commonwealth of Virginia is more than a simple traffic ticket. It is a criminal offense and is classified as a Class 1 Misdemeanor. There is potential jail time, heavy fines and costs and not to mention devastating consequences to your Driving Record, Insurance Premiums, and Potential Employment Opportunities. For example, other Class 1 Misdemeanors include Assault, DUI/DWI, Distribution of Marijuana, Concealed Weapon, Domestic Assault, Hit and Run, etc… How serious would you take these charges? However, there are alternatives to being convicted of a Reckless Driving charge in Virginia Beach and in anywhere in Virginia. You must seek counsel from an experienced criminal defense attorney who knows those alternatives and one who is familiar with the Courts in Hampton Roads and Southeastern Virginia. Do Not take your Reckless Driving ticket lightly! Speak to a competent Virginia Beach Criminal Defense Attorney. Call JRLaw, PLC Today for Your FREE Phone Consultation at tel:(757) 447-0080">(757) 447-0080.
If I Live in Another State Do I Still Have to Come Back to Virginia for My Court Date?The short answer is “Yes”, but with some exceptions. If you have been charged with a Class 1 or Class 2 Misdemeanor than there is potential jail time and your personal appearance is required. Examples of Class 1 and Class 2 Misdemeanors are: Reckless Driving Speed; Reckless Driving General; DUI/DWI, Possession of Marijuana; Driving on Suspended License; Assault; Theft; etc…Because there is potential jail time as a consequence of your charge, your personal appearance in court is required. When you signed the summons that the officer gave you, you were in fact promising to appear in court on your scheduled court date. Failure to Appear in court on your court date could result in a warrant for your arrest. Having said that, there are a few exceptions where a competent Virginia Beach Criminal Defense Attorney can handle your Class 1 or Class 2 Misdemeanor charge without your personal appearance and still receive favorable results on your behalf. Here at JRLaw, PLC we will speak with the Officer and/or the Judge and ask that jail time be Waived. Which means, that jail as a consequence of your charge is no longer a possibility. Therefore, your personal appearance may no longer be required. We are then able to try your case and get a favorable result for You without your having to make the trip back to Virginia. To see if your case can be handled without you having to come to court contact JRLaw, PLC at (757) 447-0080">(757) 447-0080. We look forward to speaking with you.
In Which Courts and Jurisdictions do you Provide Criminal Defense and Other Representation?Attorney Jerrell R. Johnson handles hundreds of cases each year in a variety of courtrooms and jurisdictions across Southeast Virginia. If you have a criminal case appearing in one of these courtrooms, be sure to contact JRLaw, PLC immediately for representation. Courts where we practice include: Accomack County, Chesapeake, Courtland (Southampton County), Emporia, Essex County, Gloucester, Hampton, Isle of Wight County, New Kent County, Newport News, Norfolk, Northampton County, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, James City County and York County.
What Are DUI Penalties in Virginia?The state treats drunk drivers very severely, and the penalties for even a first offense can be devastating. If you are convicted of driving while intoxicated, your sentence could include a variety of damaging consequences, depending on the circumstances of the incident. Before entering your plea in court, it is crucial that you discuss your situation with a knowledgeable attorney who can help you understand the penalties you face and determine your legal options.
How Can My Drivers License in Virginia Be Suspended When I Never Had a Virginia Drivers License?It does sound crazy; however, it is not only possible, it happens quite often. It is considered a privilege to drive and not a right. So in other words, it is Your Privilege to Drive in Virginia that is being Suspended, not necessarily the actual card we carry with us that has our picture on it. Because driving is a privilege and not a right, there does not always have to be due process (a court hearing) before your license can be suspended. Examples of how you drivers License can be suspended: Unpaid fines and costs for traffic or criminal violations Unpaid child support; Operating a Business without a License; Unpaid property tax; No Insurance or Expired Insurance on your vehicle (SR22); etc… Often times there is never a courts involvement in the suspension of your license. The Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV), City and State Government Agencies have the authority to suspend your driving privileges without every requiring you to appear for a hearing. Like it or not it is the unfortunate truth. However, the most important question is, “How do You get Your Driving Privileges Reinstated!!!?” If you are dealing with this issue now, than you already know how confusing, time consuming and frustrating this process can be! That's why you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to help guide you through the process of getting Your Driving Privileges Reinstated. It may seem impossible and hopeless, but it may be easier than you think. Call JRLaw, PLC at (757) 447-0080">(757) 447-0080 and get you Driving Privileges Back!!